As your production system evolves to meet the increasing demand for your products, one significant way to boost efficiency is through automating your systems of conveyance. Without this kind of automation, your workers need to position bottles underneath your filling machines one at a time, by hand. This process can be sped up dramatically if you add automation to the process.
Standard conveyance units include, at a minimum, components that move containers through the filling process without requiring an operator to handle them directly:
Loading Rotary Turntable à Conveyor Belt à Accumulating Rotary Turntable
In the above example, the conveyor belt would bring a single container or a line of containers to a different bottle filling machine where it might be filled, labeled, capped or shrink wrapped. A more complex conveyance system can link several different machines together with conveyor belts, so that the empty bottles placed on the loading rotary turntable at the beginning can arrive at the accumulating rotary turntable ready to be shipped out for sale. That type of system may look something like:
Loading Rotary Turntable à (Conveyor Belt x Different Bottling Equipment) à Accumulating Rotary Turntable
Conveyor belts can also be directly linked to loading and unloading systems. For example, large containers can be carried straight from a truck to your warehouse on a conveyor belt, increasing efficiency and reducing the chances of physical injury:
Staff at Loading Dock à Conveyor Belt à Warehouse
Loading rotary turntables hold a large collection of bottles and load them onto the conveyor belt in single file, processing up to 150 containers per minute. This increases efficiency because a staff member can have their hands free once they load up the turntable.
Accumulating rotary turntables are very similar to loading rotary turntables, except that their purpose is to gather and hold containers after they have been processed. This function allows a worker to let bottles run through the filling process without having to catch each one right as it reaches the end of the conveyor belt. All of the containers can stay in place until the worker is able to take them away.
Apex Filling Systems offer turntables in a standard height is 36”, which can be adjusted up to 2” in either direction, as well as any custom height. The bottle guide is adjustable to provide the best support for containers of different sizes.
Conveyor belts perform the practical task of carrying containers from one station to another, helping the operators save time and reduce the risk of injury. To select the best conveyor belts for your needs, consider the following questions:
How many containers do you need to move per minute? Knowing your production demands will help your consultant determine how much power your conveyance system will require.
What is the size, shape and weight of your containers? Larger and heavier containers will affect how much power your engine needs, how wide the conveyor belt should be, and what height the belt should be positioned at.
How is your space laid out? Conveyor belts are adaptable at transporting containers in a way that optimizes space and efficiency. Standard lengths are offered from 5 to 20 feet in five-foot increments, with custom lengths also available. Curves can be added in 90/45-degree sections in L, U and S shapes. With this flexibility, conveyor belts can wrap around corners to connect machines, hug the wall to open floor space, or swerve around an obstruction that can’t be moved.
Does your product require special materials? In addition to standard construction options, Apex also offers adaptions for sanitary or hazardous material construction requirements, including an elevated chain to facilitate washdown, TEFC washdown-duty motors and controls, and alternate frame and chain materials.
Do you plan to add to your system over time? As your business grows, you will be best served by selecting components that are easy to integrate into existing systems, as well as allow for additions and changes to be made over time.
Whether you are creating a comprehensive conveyance system all at once, adding to a system already in place, or building up a design in smaller stages, careful planning and well-designed equipment will help the process run smoothly.
Apex offers all of our clients customized solutions to their filling needs. To learn which conveyance system is best for your business, call us at 219-575-7493 or visit our page here.