Apex Filling Systems Blog: Packaging Innovations & Industry Insights

Bottle Capping Equipment and the Need for Consistency - Apex

Written by Darren Allie | 8/30/19 10:22 PM

Capping consistency is one of the biggest advantages of bottle capping equipment, be it an Automatic, Semi-Automatic or even Manual Capping Machine. Why is consistent capping important? Imagine buying a case of bottled water from your local grocery store.  Now imagine bringing in your groceries, only to find water on your backseat and floor, coming from your new case of water. You open it to reveal that several bottles have loose caps. Then when you try to open a few of the others you find you require brut strength. The most likely outcome is that you purchase a different brand of bottled water the next time you visit the grocery store. While many people may not consider consistency in capping machines while running production, it can have an effect on repeat business.

Automatic Capping Machines

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Automatic bottle capping equipment by standard, offers the most consistency in the capping process. This consistency is achieved with the use of an Automatic cap delivery system and simple capper adjustments made prior to running production. Automatic capping machines use either a cap elevator or a sorting bowl to not only deliver caps, but to ensure that caps are correctly oriented for each bottle ran through the machine.  Incorrectly oriented caps are rejected and returned to the sorting device for re-orientation.  Once the cap is placed on the bottle, the capping machine, whether Spindle, Chuck, Snap or a Specialty Capper, will seal the caps with virtually the same torque on each bottle.  Different adjustments can be made depending on the type of capping machine being used, but almost all necessary and routine adjustments will consist of turning knobs or pressing buttons.  With the cap delivery system and simple adjustments, Automatic Bottle Capping equipment offers consistency as well as increased capping speed.

Semi-Automatic Capping Machines

Many Semi-Automatic bottle capping machines are manufactured in a similar manner to the Automatic cappers discussed above. The main difference is the absence of an automatic cap delivery system. Rather than using the cap elevator or cap sorting bowl, operators of the capping machines hand place caps on the bottles before sending cap and container through the packaging machine.  Even though the caps are hand-placed, Semi-Automatic capping machines will still offer consistency in the torque applied to the caps and create a repeatable seal as bottles move through the machine. Other Semi-Automatic capping equipment is designed as Tabletop machinery or as a Single Head capping machine with a portable frame.  These machines will also require the operator to place caps on the bottles while allowing the cappers to do the tightening.  Semi-Automatic cappers can still offer increased speed in addition to improved consistency by taking away the need to hand-tighten each individual cap and container.

Manual Capping Machines

Watch video here.

 Handheld bottle capping equipment can also be used to maintain the consistency of the capping process. Operators of a Handheld capper will place the cap on the bottle, then place the capper over the cap. Typically, a trigger or simple pressure will activate the bottle capper and tighten down the cap to create a consistent and reliable seal.

Now that you have the specifics on the different Bottle Capping equipment, we here at Apex Filling Systems are thrilled to get your capping needs met.

With 15 years experience in the packaging industry, Darren has traveled the world on jobs of all sizes. He has been working in everything from project management, to sales, to production and has the experience to see the entire process from start to end. Darren steps in for projects to review difficult applications to help come up with solutions that work for every customer. Difficult details are where he excels. Creating a solution built for each customer! Outside of Apex Filling, Darren likes to work on motorcycles, play with fabrication, and spend time working on cars. If you stop by you might even get to see his bike