Meet Matt Leake. Matt is the Parts & Service Manager here at Apex Filling Systems. He has been in sales for over 22 years and comes to us with extensive experience and understanding that customer service is what sets us apart. Matt is happily committed to a lovely lady, Suzette. He has 2 children. A daughter in College at IU and a son who is still at home with him. Matt is such a funny guy. No matter the time of day or mood someone is in, walk into Matt’s environment and it will be made a happy switch.
He is not much of a reader, more so he prefers magazines, newspapers and of course, the internet! “I mean, can’t you find anything and everything on the web?!” (yes, a direct quote.) Matt said he is no good at telling jokes and wouldn’t even attempt to give me one, rather, he laughed at the inability of telling a joke! I tell you; he is funny.
I asked Matt what he is most passionate about, and of course, he said his children! Mainly because he didn’t want them to read this and get mad he said something else… he was teasing! They are and will always be his life’s best chapters. When I asked him the craziest thing he has ever done, he had a good one. He and Suzette had actually walked across the longest pedestrian suspension bridge in the US. On opening day! Doubly crazy if you ask me. (I know his lady love is not a fan of heights.)
Matt likes a good movie. Some of his all-time favorites include Pulp Fiction and One Flew Over the Cookoo’s Nest. He prefers a good comedy, even though none of his favorites are that. Remember how funny I tell you he is, well, when asked what the coolest thing he is working on right now, his immediate response, Retirement! What a quick-wit. We both got a great laugh with that.
I asked Matt if he could switch places with anyone in the world for a day, would he? Again, with the quick-wit, ‘Nah, I wouldn’t put anyone through my life!’ But he quickly responded with ‘I am very happy with my own life and set of problems.’ The best meal he has ever eaten came more recently. Chicken Cordon Bleu made from the kitchen of Suzette! It must have been delightful because watching him relish on it was sweet.
You guys, Matt admitted he is full of pet peeves. In short, don’t irritate him. Ha! To all of his co-workers, if there is anything he could let you all know, he truly appreciates your wealth of knowledge and help. All humor aside. His secret (no longer secret) – he is talentless! According to himself. According to his children, he can literally carry on with any single human, anywhere, anytime! He is a warm and approachable guy. I can see how this would play into his everyday life. If he could bring anyone back, he would bring back his grandfather. He has a plethora of questions he wished he would have asked when he could. A teacher of life!
If Matt were a crayon, he would be terra-cotta. His favorite superhero would be Antman and the least favorite, Superman. When I asked him if he would share his favorite family tradition, he told me how he, Suzette and the kids all curl up and binge watch Christmas movies together. (I could envision the description.) Matt is an all-around great human. I am so thankful to work in his company at Apex Filling Systems!