
Believe in Yourself

Men with persistence

“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.

The slogan “Press On!” has solved Calvin Coolidge There are endless stories of how persistence pays off, such as Thomas Edison’s 1,000 failed attempts to invent the light bulb, or Henry Ford going bankrupt five times before succeeding.

Being willing to keep working at refining your mindset and practices demonstrates that you have the virtue of persistence and will ultimately succeed with your career and other goals!

I am quite confident and thankful that you are all persistent human beings. That is what has gotten us to the point we are at. That is also what is going to get us to where we are going. At Apex Filling we value persistence. We will keep going until our team and customers are taken care of. We do whatever it takes!

Click HERE for this weeks video.


Alicia Cannon

Integrity, honesty, and a dedication to delivering ambitious results serve as the central themes of Alicia’s career and are evident in every interaction she has with our clients. Her relationship-centered leadership style has paved the way for Apex Filling System’s culture of compassion & empathy, executed with accountability that ensures consistently great outcomes. As a learner for life, her pursuit of continuous personal and professional growth has led Apex Filling Systems to be recognized as an industry innovator in customer experience. Holding advanced degrees in the areas of engineering and management, she has a unique ability to analyze processes, identify potential problems before they arise, and develop standardized solutions to ensure every client of Apex Filling Systems enjoys a hassle-free, professional, and pleasant experience. Her leadership style has been influenced by the work of some of the most well-regarded thought leaders throughout the last 50 years. Among them are Jim Collins, Sally Hogshead, John Maxwell, and Tony Robbins.