
The Process

“Security is mostly a superstition.
It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men
as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in
the long run than outright exposure.”
Helen Keller
Many years ago when my life was in flux, I remember reaching out to someone I respected.
I told him that I’d been thinking while pursuing real estate felt like what I needed to do at that time in my life,  I should maybe pursue a career path with more security.
He immediately scoffed, countering “Security! Where do you think you’re going to find that today?”
Of course some career paths are more secure than others, but we do live in a world where absolute security is an illusion, particularly at a financial level.
One can and should take financial precautions, but stock markets collapse, pension funds evaporate, divorces leave one decimated, and technology changes industries and careers overnight.
How does contemplating the absence of absolute security make you feel?
Does it increase your anxiety or worry, or does it offer a new possibility for freedom and letting go?  What would happen if you played full out?  What if you spent every day “grinding” toward your goals without letting fear slow you down?

Click HERE for this weeks video.

Have a great week!

Alicia Cannon

Integrity, honesty, and a dedication to delivering ambitious results serve as the central themes of Alicia’s career and are evident in every interaction she has with our clients. Her relationship-centered leadership style has paved the way for Apex Filling System’s culture of compassion & empathy, executed with accountability that ensures consistently great outcomes. As a learner for life, her pursuit of continuous personal and professional growth has led Apex Filling Systems to be recognized as an industry innovator in customer experience. Holding advanced degrees in the areas of engineering and management, she has a unique ability to analyze processes, identify potential problems before they arise, and develop standardized solutions to ensure every client of Apex Filling Systems enjoys a hassle-free, professional, and pleasant experience. Her leadership style has been influenced by the work of some of the most well-regarded thought leaders throughout the last 50 years. Among them are Jim Collins, Sally Hogshead, John Maxwell, and Tony Robbins.