
Quick Ship: Fast Delivery to Meet Sudden Demands - Apex

Imagine that a life-changing business opportunity comes your way, but you don’t yet have all of the filling equipment you need, and no one can send it to you in time for you to process the order. Necessary items may take weeks to ship, and by then the project may have gone to a competitor. In an ideal world, businesses can always predict which equipment they will need and when they will need it. But for many start-ups and entrepreneurs – especially during a challenging year – a new market or a connection to a big client can appear without warning, and the operations team has to scramble for a way to meet the increased demand.


Fortunately, Apex Filling Systems, which is already renowned for its customized service, now has a new program to meet the needs of companies that have to ramp up their production capacity on short notice. The program is called Quick Ship, where Apex keeps several key pieces of equipment in stock and available to ship within five business days.


Darren Allie Stands in front of Quickship MachineryAs Darren Allie, Vice President of Operations at Apex, explains, “Sometimes a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity comes up, and you’re never going to get that opportunity again.” To survive and grow in those cases, a business may focus on securing the contract first and sourcing the right equipment later.

After years of close relationships with their clients, listening to their needs and watching the challenges they face, the team at Apex came to realize that there are many times when the best solution for some of its customers is to have a fast boost in production capacity. They then selected which machines would have the most impact on meeting increased demand. They were designed to fit well into existing systems while also allowing opportunities for expansion later. “Instead of building all of our equipment to order, we build the standard equipment to stock so the stock is available for customers at the drop of a hat,” says Allie. This off-the-shelf equipment meets the same high standards as everything else Apex produces.


With this new option, Apex can now help businesses meet their needs in two different ways, depending on their situation:


Building customized systems. Apex will work with a business and create a customized plan for its long-term growth. The liquid being filled, the bottles and caps used, the sealing and labeling requirements and the physical space available are all taken into account, and the Apex staff are a phone call away for any issues that may come up. Equipment takes eight to twelve weeks to arrive.


Quick Ship. Standard equipment is available off-the-shelf and ready to ship in five business days. This is the option for when a business is willing to skip customization for fast delivery. The Apex staff provides the same support as always.


As far as Allie is aware, no other filling manufacturers are offering this fast-shipping option, which mimics the quick fulfillment that people have come to expect when shopping with sites like To make this new experience possible, Apex expanded its warehouse to store the machines available through Quick Ship and added a second shift to help meet the demand. The program has been in place for just over a month, and Allie has already heard from customers who are happy with the option. One customer recently secured a contract with a major transportation provider, which would not have been possible without Quick Ship.


Currently Available Equipment

The equipment currently available is listed below, and more items will be added over time:


  • Apex 10′ x 4.5″ Variable Speed Conveyor, Single Rail
  • Apex 10′ x 4.5″ Variable Speed Conveyor, Double Rail
  • Apex 40″ Loading Turntable, Single Rail
  • Apex 40″ Loading Turntable, Double Rail
  • Apex 40″ Accumulating Turntable, Single Rail
  • Apex 40″ Accumulating Turntable, Double Rail
  • Conveyor Mount Single Belt-Style Bottle Separator
  • Stand Alone Transfer Belts
  • 2 Station Cap Tightener
  • 4 Station Cappers
  • Single Head Gear Pump Fillers
  • 4 Head Economy Gravity Fillers


Even with many options premade and ready to ship out, Allie emphasizes that Apex will always be focused on individual attention to each customer. “We are not trying to fit customers into a box,” he says. “We are trying to expand the size of our box to fit our customers’ needs.”


Let Apex Help You

Our team at Apex is available to discuss all aspects of your filling system and advise you on which components would best serve the needs of your company. Call us at 219-575-7493 or visit our page here to discuss the best equipment and delivery choices for you.


Darren Allie

With 15 years experience in the packaging industry, Darren has traveled the world on jobs of all sizes. He has been working in everything from project management, to sales, to production and has the experience to see the entire process from start to end. Darren steps in for projects to review difficult applications to help come up with solutions that work for every customer. Difficult details are where he excels. Creating a solution built for each customer! Outside of Apex Filling, Darren likes to work on motorcycles, play with fabrication, and spend time working on cars. If you stop by you might even get to see his bike