
The Modern Challenge and Automation

Lightbulb branches out to Automation Ideas for Liquid Filling Machinery

How Filling Machinery Automates and Answers The Modern Challenge

Within the past few months, almost every industry has seen both a boom in business and a shortage in labor. Because of this, most companies are asking themselves the modern challenge: “How can I increase my throughput without adding any more workers?”

The Solution – Automation

There’s one true answer to this question: Automation Initiatives. While most people would believe that these automation processes are aimed at replacing humans, this isn’t the point. The focus of automation is to take our current labor force and assist them with software or machinery that brings their productivity to previously unachievable levels.

Automation Initiatives can be placed in all departments of a company, and allow workers to turn their daily tasks into easy tasks. Production workers often double or triple their work with automation. For office workers, they will often see overall job clarity alongside their increased productivity. Communication and regular processes can be streamlined to open up more work hours for your company. Automating procedures between multiple departments can reduce mistakes and allow more time for the “doing” and less on the “explaining”.

Within the packing industry, Apex has helped several companies meet this challenge. The adjustability incorporated across all of Apex’s machinery allowed companies to create quality products even when companies needed to regularly switch between different sized bottles. In every aspect of creating the finished product, customers were happy to find that their Apex machinery met all of their needs.

While Apex’s well-designed solutions are a major factor in the customer’s success, the greatest aspect about Apex is that their team is willing to step up and take on the Modern Challenge alongside their client. An Apex customer not only receives the appropriate machinery needed for their specific application; they receive a team of experts that wants to train them to become independently successful.

Need Automation?

If you’re finding trouble keeping up with demand and bringing in new labor, you might be a prime candidate to call Apex Filling Systems.

For more information about the modern challenge, listen to episode #61 on the PMMI podcast – UnPACKed.



Darren Allie

With 15 years experience in the packaging industry, Darren has traveled the world on jobs of all sizes. He has been working in everything from project management, to sales, to production and has the experience to see the entire process from start to end. Darren steps in for projects to review difficult applications to help come up with solutions that work for every customer. Difficult details are where he excels. Creating a solution built for each customer! Outside of Apex Filling, Darren likes to work on motorcycles, play with fabrication, and spend time working on cars. If you stop by you might even get to see his bike